Wednesday, 28 September 2011


28 September 2011

... vroom vroom VROOM!!!  ++HONK HONK++

Suppose to collect the e-bicycle on coming Saturday but we did it during lunch yesterday!  So impromptu!!!  It was a long drive to Toh Guan Road East....  The manager Royston (I think he is the boss) was helpful and friendly.  He personally went through on how to operate this heavy e-bicycle and highlighted the 4 locking system as it special features... safety rules like riding on the side of the road with helmet... blah blah and blah... (imagine he has to go thru 24x times of briefing!)  There were four colors - Orange, Black, Grey and Silver and I am spoilt for choices!

Ben and Ryanm came along and test-ride the e-bicycle... the pick up rate was turbo fast.  I was warned but FWAH, the rate that picked me up was terrifiying.  My heart beat still pumping super fast... feels like a gush of invisible 气 to FLY!  There were alot of heavy vehicle passing by so I didn't really test out the ride but we can see that Ben enjoyed himself during the test-ride.

I bought a helmet (not so cool looking...  Ryanm suggested I get a full-face helmet - the 天诺有情 wannabe!) and still super buay zai becasue this e-bicycle is blardly heavy!  Battery pack alone weighed 20KG.  Maintaining e-bicycle wasn't an easy job... looks like they have to be sent in for servicing every 6months-9months... the annual overhaul cost about S$200!  Charging of the battery is required at least once a month even if we don't ride it.

It was super tempting to 'upgrade' 小旋风 with a top-up of S$800 to a Tornado Light (super sleek - in white!).  ah Thiang and I loved it the moment we stepped into the store for redeemption!  It was beautifully mounted on the window dispay.  We held back the impulsiveness for upgrade and went back with our 小旋风...  :)

小旋风 is temporarily parked in the living hall because I wasn't home on time last evening to brief my papa on 'How to Operate" and set the alarms so that we can park her outside our home...  By this morning, I am infused with the new home frangrance 小旋风's tyre smell!  Muahahahaha~

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