Saturday, 5 September 2015

Growing up with Nathaniel; Day565-Day609

05 September 2015

Week 87 (20 months...)!

We have completed 6 rounds of house-warming part-ty with the family and friends!  (... still have other friends group haven't send out invites yet, maybe take a rest and do it some other time!)  Manage to clean up the entire place over the 2 weekends of hosting friends... Family members were to huge to host within the adobe so we had the buffet catering setup at the sky bridge #33.  Food was good - will officially appoint Chilli Padi as our buffet caterer!  HAHA  We catered party sets and mini buffet for the rest of the friends' group which was not too bad - Select even provided utensils to scoop the food.  Very thoughtful!

Some random rants; I really cannot tahan is self-feeding kids in the house (especially at other people's house, common' spare some thoughts for the poor mothers who have to overhaul the whole house after a long day of hosting).  Let me elaborate.  I thought having kids over my place is OK, but it is not so OK.  Especially during meal times when kids self-feed themselves.  I will not let Nat self-feed at people's home, restaurant is OK la, different mah (if you know what I mean...) - just imagine you have to clean up the mess, furniture and walls after their meals, adults feed directly into their mouth not the floor, you know... 1 is not enough, I have 3 of such cases.  Faint die me.  Imma so OCD, every drop of rice or food on the floor is too crazy for me to accept but this is house-warming party sure to have mess so I have to close my eyes and clean up after the party ends.  忍!  I do have friend that are inconsiderate enough to have their baby's diaper changed without using a changing mat - literally on my carpet!  Excuses me!  Hygiene.  Hygiene.  #whylikethat

Having said that, I am not sure when I willing to start Nat to self-feed... because I am so afraid of the mess and clean-ups.  Maybe I will start train him when he is outside restaurants, and I will spoon-feed him as long as I can within the house premises.  Who cares if they say that my son cannot learn to eat by himself at his age... it's such a pleasure feeding a kid who is willing to be fed and eat happily for as long as I can!

Okays enough of my ranting... a long update of Nat for the past 2 months' milestones nao!

Milestones from week 81 to week 87...

  1. he can say pampers, one, bright, finish, touch, house, watch, wear, mine, monie (money), sit, brown brown (eyebrow), 暗暗, mos (mosque), miloo, grass, tuck (truck), MRT, pok (boat), spicy, lurv you (love you, only to Nainai)...
  2. he recognised ABCD on the book - 24/7/2015...
  3. he kicks on his own in the swimming pool - 25/7/2015...
  4. he feeds his bear or us with his imaginary food...
  5. he digs his nose by turning his fingers round and round...
  6. he will 放空 and pretends to think think then 翻白眼 when we ask him something - 31/7/2015...
  7. he becomes a parrot; repeats the last word in your sentence - 1/8/2015...
  8. he will requests for his own seat during morning bus rides (and refuses to share with anyone) - 3/8/2015...
  9. he can plays on his own while I rush out some house chores when we get home in the evenings - 3/8/2015...
  10. he likes "the wheel on the bus" video and can pretend to roll his hands when he see the video/listen to the song... very helpful especially when he fuss during meal times...
  11. he knows where eyebrow, eyes, knee and toes are - 13/8/2015...
  12. I told him "Mama loves Nat Nat, Nat Nat loves Mama?", he replies "Mama" (and I assumedly he answered Yes) - 13/8/2015...
  13. Papa teaches Nat to address where we stay... "Mah-graet-drive" - 14/8/2015...
  14. he recognised his Maxi Cosi baby car seat and says "sit sit" unwillingly when ah Thiang's colleague came for collection - 14/8/2015...
  15. I teaches him "cheers aka 干杯" and he drinks water very enthusiastically - 14/8/2015...
  16. he weighs 13.6kg - 16/8/2015...
  17. Nainai teaches him to answer "Boy" when people ask him Boy or Girl - 17/8/2015...
  18. he can say 3 words (short sentences) like "pat pat poil" (iPad spoilt) when one of the days we off it or no battery and it only shows an apple logo after turning it on - 20/8/2015...
  19. his jealousy strikes when he saw my Mom or Dad carries Jade's son; he fuss and cries - 23/8/2015...
  20. finally willing to say "Yes" (out of desperately) - 30/8/2015...
  21. he will stop walking and stands in your way, pretending wanting to hug you so he gets to be carried after a session of walking - 2/9/2015...
  22. he was having slight fever in the afternoon (maybe that explains why he is very cranky the night before he slept...) and when we try to feed him medicine - very naughty, he don't eat medicine never mind, he even knows how to spit out the medicine after being forced fed to and even know when we stick the fever patch onto his forehead after he KO-ed and fuss until this was taken down...  *shakes head*  Thank you guan yin-ma, his fever went away on the same night - 3/9/2015...

#day566 - Today's ABCD!  Now he knows more than ABCD...!

#day567 - Little lifeguard training in progress!  He now can kicks freely in the waters.

#day571 - Little Chef Nat's stir-fry beef + vegetables for breakfast!  #natcancooksocanyou

#day574 - It's August already!  Always enjoying this beautiful view when he wakes up in the morning.

#day574 - Excursion to the zoo with 奶奶!

#day579 - Morning's pig-face!

#day580 - Achievement unlocked; swimming by himself!

#day583 - Being entertained by iPad.  You gotta love that smile!

#day590 - Wanted to FaceTime 公公 and 外婆 but none of them picked up the call (because they slept in early...).  First 2 pic was enticipating that either 公公 and 外婆 will pick up the call, manatau the call was picked up by SIL and he was stunned like ve-get-table!  #pricelessexpressions

#day594 - Because "Bed Head" hair looks cool!

#day595 - The day we brought him for Chicken Pox vaccination.  He was running around the polyclinic and smack his face right onto the floor, and still can look so happy!

#day596 - Truly Singaporean!  #nationaldayrally2015

#day603 - The father and son moment before the guests arrival.  This is the 6/6 session of our house-warming party with the friends!  After that was a major haul cleaning up the house...

#day603 - It was then... the mother and son moment before my MIL's birthday's dinner feasting starts!

*ps: #day609 ends on 05 September 2015