Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Into 30 Weeks (Third Trimester)

06 November 2013

3D scan!

ah Thiang told me he is quite interested in getting a 'preview' of how Baby N looks like before his arrival into our arms.  Thus, decided to check out the various hospitals/clinics that does such 3D/4D scan.  After some callings, we were told that minimum 3 weeks booking in advance is required to make an appointment - having said that, it would means that I will be in my week 31/32 which is not really possible as the baby size will be too huge to be scanned, propably due to the lack of space too... (told by the nurse who did the scan for us yesterday and / plus this is also very much dependant on the baby bcos if he decided to face downwards like what happened during yesterday's scan, there is no way we can capture his visual too... etc), but according to our Gynae, he recommends to do it when I am week 30.  So....

Anyhoots, it was such an amazing experience seeing him from the screen and my bffs were there to share this amazing experience with us too!  :)

We arrived at the clinic earlier than appointment time and tried the first time to see if he is in the right position for scanning - but nope, he is facing downwards... sleeping (that was what happen too when we did the detailed scan at TMC too)!  Then I was recommended to go for a 10mins walk and took some orange juice for the 2nd attempt... but it didn't work on him.  He continued to sleep throughout the scan (except for some blinking of his eyes, and yawning!  however there were some cute moments we saw that his tongue was sticking out too!).

The whole process took us nearly 45mins and many many of tries!  The nurse who did the scan was very nice and paitence thou' and considered this scan unsuccessful (there were too many distraction like hands, legs and umbilical cord blocking the visual making the scan/images very distorted for printing plus there isn't much space for him to move/turn) but yet she still secretly printed out 2 images for us for keepsake!  Nice right?  We paid $50 for the use of equipement (plus two printed images under-table) instead of $150 which includes 5 printed images and a USB drive of the "4D recording" part of the baby.  I would consider this so much cheaper than paying for ultra-sound scanned images from our Gynae - $45 for one!  Hehe.
Baby N's - side profile (some say he has Daddy's nose and mouth!)

Baby N's - front profile (some say he has Mommy's chin!), so chubby!

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