Monday, 7 July 2014

NDP 2014 - Our People, Our Home

07 July 2014

Our people, our home - that's this year's NDP theme!

This year, Singapore marks her 49th year celebrations in commemoration of her independency from Malaysia since 1965!  And and and... this is my 1st year attending the NDP!  Ok!  Even though this is not the actual day parade but we were still very very much excited in attending the first full dress rehearsal nevertheless!  The weather has been very kind - windy, not scorching hot just light sprinkle of droplets towards the end of the performance.  :)

Thank you very much to ah Thiang's camp-mate (whoever that they are...) for giving up the event tickets and we get to jio more friends to join us in this celebration together!  Tell you ah... human beings are one-kind de.  When you don't have tickets, then you kept praying you can go... but you have tickets (as many as TEN...) then nobody is available to go...  tsk!  Luckily we have friends who are very "on" and went with us!

Didn't bring Baby N as we were told no babies (but there was still babies attending the parade leh... one of 'em is Hamburger!  each infant or baby holds one ticket for entry ok... :-S ) but then again we were also glad that we didn't bring Baby N lah (so 矛盾 right), because the transportation and logics were so NOT convenient afterall.  Imagine having to carry him on sling and climbing up 4-5 stories of stairsways then carrying him seated throughout the parade with all the ping ping pong pong and live-firings, with a lot of distractions when feeding him milk and changing of diapers if he poo in a not-baby-friendly environment... gawd, no need to imagine liao...!  Hahaha!

That's the team of us all dressed up in red & white theme (and everyone attending the parade)!

The arrival of the fake President - as part of the simulation, they have someone dressed up and act as the President and other ministers on arrival at the parade...! *noticed this pair of hands with phone... the aunt not tired one leh, kept shovering her hands high high up in the sky to video and take pictures... all my photos have her hands loh! why don't she download the performances via youtube or tv?*

Parade of the uniform teams waiting for the President to walk down for inspection!

Our National flag hovering pass over MBS!  #proudtobesingaporean

The Malaysian reciting the pledge - Ok, meant to tease SimCik not Widjaya because he is a Singaporean.  Then the Sze sisters were asking whether there is any photo taken when the Hongkees are reciting the pledge...?  OOops!  *internal joke*

The performers and everyone at the floating platform singing of Singapore National Anthem!  *everytime I sing National anthem and reciting the pledge until I wanto cry!  so touching loh*

Ending the parade with array of fireworks!

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