Monday, 14 July 2014

Growing up with Nathaniel; Day177-Day191

14 July 2014

Moving into week 28! 

Recording his milestones from week 25 to week 27...

  1. he is already slowly but surely adjusting to solids now... taking 1-2 tsp cereal/feed - I heard it's normal for such small appetite as I'm expecting him to consume in half bowls of cereal for each feed (so such small servings will last for another 1-2 weeks...).  Now starting to eat some "instant" purees like Carrot, Apple, Just Veggies (like mix of spinach, sweet corn, sweet potato, carrot) and banana porridge!  I liked banana porridge... taste not too bad!  ;-)
  2. starting to crawl (moves very significantly)...!
  3. slowly to be able to sit up without support (sometimes still leaning forward abit while he is seated on the playmat...) - tried sitting on baby Joel's high chair and he sits quite 'steadily'...
  4. he knows his name is Nathaniel... (I've tried calling out Peter, David, Steven and any other names and he simply doesn't respond to it until I called out Nathaniel again then he turned to me... oh, my cleber boy!)

#day184 - training him to sit up with some support!

#day189 - graduating from his last session of swim & spa!

#day189 - met up with the Yeo's for dinner at Quayside Isle @ Sentosa Cove and bring baby N for a stroll.  Does he looked like the potential yacht owner?

#day190 - Sundays with my baby (this is how the Daddy wear his hat for him...)!

#day190 - At Munic's new pad gathering!  Trying out on baby Joel's high chair...!  Haha, like every time go other people's house try their toys/stuffs de...  (I tell you ahh... baby Joel's toys are more power than Hamburger's... Munic & Gerine almost converted the whole room into a mini playground - got slide, swing, playpen, mini bouncer and a pool of colourful balls + other toys and and and outside in the hall parked his cars and kitchen set!  I tell you.... *shake head*, not going to happen to my house for sure!)

#day190 - ... when Nathaniel meets Gabrielle!  Look at that cheeky smile... his face is like 2x bigger than the size of baby G!

#day191 - Today's the finals!  Nathaniel woke up in time to watch World Cup final 2014 (Argentina vs Germany, 0-1) with Daddy!  看那眷注的眼神!*charming right?*

*ps: #day191 ends on 14 July 2014

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