Thursday, 2 June 2016

Growing up with Nathaniel; Week119-126

02 June 2016
Week 126!
Progression for now is self-feeding and I have bought many many many disposable bibs on standby so he won't mess up while he is on his mission to self-feed.  LOL!  Next step is to continuing to brain wash him not to wake up for milk in the middle of the night.  So far only been whining probably due to the hot weather not as in waking up to ask for milk.  Hope my sleep-thru-the-night dream will come true soon...!
Milestones from Week 119-126;
  1. Nat nat says: "no need wear diaper", "itz too hard", "ya is coconut", "吃饭", "苹果", "你好", "我的", "冲凉"
  2. When putting 爷爷's driving license and Snr Citizen ezlink card side by side: he says "same same, I show you..." but when he took out the NRIC (apparently the younger version of 爷爷) he will call out the man in the NRIC as "Uncle" cos he thinks he's another person - 7/4/2016...
  3. He sees our eyes and says "Mama has black eyes, Papa has brown eyes and black hair" - 7/4/2016...
  4. Papa bought him new Leap Pad but he looses interested after playing for awhile, so Papa took over but he refused to share his new toy so he join Papa play and lie on the floor and says "so sad" - 8/4/2016...
  5. Running nose on 8/4/2016 and skipped school from 11-13/4/2016...
  6. Learns to negotiate; to have porridge outside the corridor while he sits on the toy car to eat and play at the same time - 10/4/2016...
  7. Week 119 - Papa pointed out his 4-6 months development since Dec 2015 like he can sing along songs, talked in short sentences, better sleeping pattern...
  8. He will asked "What's that sound" when he hears strange sound or noise - 16/4/2016...
  9. Likes to unzip my zippers - 19/4/2016...
  10. Received a "Great" stamp on his right hand in school - 19/4/2016...
  11. Has been wanting to drink milk before dinner time - 20 & 21/4/2016...
  12. Refusing Papa from entering the house, whining, fussing and crying until 奶奶 says Papa has toy for him which made him clam him down.  After which, he asked for his new toy - 21/4/2016 (I had my turn on 28/4/2016)...
  13. Found 2 ulcers on his tongue, developed fever at night - 24/4/2016 and skipped school for Week 121...
  14. Week 121 - current favourite toy; Mickey Mouse train track...
  15. Week 121 - we learn to negotiate; if I give in to his request to either iPad time, or play train track before bed time and when I say "times up, time for milk, let's go to the bed..." he will gladly follows...
  16. Week 122 - requests to play a round of train track before bed time... Our usual routine upon reaching home is "wash hands, wash legs and drink milk sleep", now he will says "wash hands, wash legs, play train track!"...
  17. An incident whereby he 自问自答 (tries to squeeze a packet of xiaomanto and close the container cap): he says "why cannot (the packet still stuck outside the cap)?" then he open the cap and close it back, he then says "ok already" - 12/5/2016...
  18. Came running into the kitchen where I was preparing his lunch and he says "I luf you" and ran away - 14/5/2016...
  19. We were playing the Dunlop Mickey Mouse bricks and I poured onto the floor mat and he says "keep, wait other people step, step pain... play on the bed!" I  and told him no, it's messy and cannot dirty the bed, he then says "play on the sofa!" - 16/5/2016
  20. My son is a 流氓, he bites a new classmate C's right arm (left a deep teeth mark) who is transiting from Infant Day class.  Teacher called and inform about this incident and explained that she was sitting on a chair and Nat though she took his chair and so went bite her. He was oblivious of what's happening or he knew he's in trouble but he acted like none and showing he's very proud of biting other people.  He was shouting "I bite people I bite people" when I was entering the house. I have to cuddle him down and explain what he was doing is wrong bcos he was distracting us from the TV shows and the surroundings... 避开话题! After rounds of brain-washing what he has done was wrong, we went down to school the next day and made him apologies to C who was also looked unsure of what has happened - 19/5/2016...
  21. Week 123 - current favourite food is pasta...
  22. Week 124 - less patting him to sleep, prefer to hold our hands to sleep...
  23. Bought Play-Doh (to leave it at 婆婆 house due to the mess) -  28/5/2016...
  24. Threw tantrum at Papa at Toyrus for buying the set he won't want.  He picked his own set of Play-Doh to buy - 28/5/2016...
  25. Usage of words ending with "ing" in a sentence; says "today school is closed, school locking" - 30/5/2016...
  26. Week 126 - training him to sleep through the night (had to brain-wash him that he cannot wake up for milk in the middle of the night, Mama will wake him up in the morning for milk). He actually asked for milk (2/6/2016) and this time I turned him down and he 乖-ly went back to sleep... usually he will start crying until he gets his milk... I think he is ready to sleep through the night!  #dontjinxit
  27. Papa has been introducing him cars brands; Mazda = Angry bird car (becos there is this Mazda zng his logo using angry bird stickers), H for Honda.  He will recites along when he passes by the cars - 31/5/2016...
  28. In the taxi getting ready to drive off; he says "爷爷 checking mirror properly" - 1/6/2016...

05 April - Obsessed with his eggs! #week118


09 April - Hola, selfie with Mama! #week118

16 April - Nat with his new camera! #week119

24 April - My happy pill before his fever ordeal strikes again! #week121

05 May - "I'm dream I can fly..." #week122

07 May - Happy Mama's Day! #week122

07 May - My curly fries too engrossed with his iPad! #week122

08 May - Spot Nathaniel's 亲笔签名!#week123

09 May - "Look Ma, Cher gave me a "Great" stamp! #week123

26 May - Transforming curly fries to truffle mushroom head! #week125

27 June - Vainpot trying out my shoes! #week125

28 May - His first Play-Doh set! #week125

*ps: entries updated as at week126!

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