Thursday, 5 March 2015

Growing up with Nathaniel; Day392-Day425

05 March 2015

Week 61 and Nat turns 14 months today!

Today is 羊年初十五,and it's 元宵咯! Very fast, two weeks of festive feasting and lou hei-ing is almost coming to an end...  I had lost count on how many times I lou hei-ed but smelly smelly 最少都有 6 times.  HUART aaaaaah!

Milestones from week 57 to week 61...
  1. he can stand and clap without support for 5secs...
  2. he can say "yum-mi means yummy", "no-mor means no more", down, ding dong, dog, "nor means nooooo", "pwease means please", "bao bao means hug"...
  3. he tries eating durian and had 3 tries before his taste buds disapproves of the taste...
  4. he starts to sleep on stomach; on his knee caps and body facing downwards position, 屁股敲高高 towards the sky...
  5. he first tasted strawberry gelato at the newly opened gelato shop at Chinatown Point - 11/2/2015...
  6. he started walking his first 2-steps without support - 14/2/2015...
  7. he started walking 5-steps without support - 1/3/2015...
  8. he had slight fever and running nose on 23/2/2015... we suspect this is due to this 9th teeth sprouting out on the bottom 3rd right side of his gum... his running nose then lasted about a week...
  9. he will bring down the pillow and pretending to sleep when he hears us say "go orh orh koon"...
  10. he pats Nainai on the chest like comforting her when he heard the shuttle rolls down - 3/3/2015...
  11. he wakes up in the middle of the night between 3am-5am for night feeds from 1-4/3/2015...
  12. he weighs approx. 12kg, at 95th percentile...
#day393 - The Father and Son duo moment!  Brought him to SK swimming complex and took more than 30mins to warm up and get into the water... then another 10-15mins to get out of the water!
#day393 - Look Ma, no hands!  He like so proud putting his hands behind while standing and then play on the keyboard then clap to show off!
#day393 - Proudly presents our new product ambassador for fried crabstick - Ms Natalie Tan!
#day400 - The Father and son duo moment, again!  ah Thiang was showing off to me how Nat shares his snacks through 'mouth to mouth' feeds!  (this duo have the same genes - super hao lian!)  So jelly loh!
#day403 - There is this little boy who kinda stole my heart.  He calls me Mama!  Simply can't get enough of his curly hair and chubby face!  My Mom says that he looked like some Korean baby stars!  #whymybabysocute  #lovelovelove
#day403 - Having his first taste of strawberry gelato!  #pricelessexpression
#day409 - My baby with a sexy pose, messy hair and that irresistible smile!
#day411 - Nat's 羊年初一 adventure!
#day420 - My Superbaby, ready to conquer the world with his Papa!
#day420 - My Superbaby 的第九颗牙出来咯!
#day421 - Who says iPhone 6+ is too big for a 1YO baby?  He can even unlock his Papa's phone!  He can grip very well with his little palm and pretending to have a telephone conversation!
A collage of him sleeping on his stomach!

*ps: #day425 ends on 05 March 2015

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