Monday, 26 October 2015

Growing up with Nathaniel; Day610-Day660

26 October 2015

Week 95 (21 months)!

The long awaited, Baby N's maiden flight is happening soon... this weekend!

Yesh - we are leaving for Hong Kong for a 5D4N this Saturday!  Of course, what's a toddler's holiday without a visit to  Hong Kong Disneyland?  We will be Disneyland Hollywood hotel on the last night of our vacation.  Hope this kiddo will have this memory kept in his pea brain until his next visit to the other parks of the world.  (This trip alone cost us almost $2,000 prior landing onto HK soil - flight, Airbnb, hotel, park tickets, meal vouchers, insurance...)
Well, I always have this saying... "don't bring baby/toddlers to Disneyland, it's such a waste of money... they won't remember a thing!" but never did I realised that I actually did the same thing!

My excuses was;

1) he hasn't gotten his passport chopped once since he got 'em at 6 months old...
2) we get to pay infant price before his age hits two...

valid right...?

Meaning to say, for such excuses... I have already planned the next flight to somewhere nearer - KL, in December!  Both my parents and MIL is coming along too!  Hope both trips are manageable... so excited!

Milestones from week 88 to week 94...

  1. he can say tiger, lion, mer-lion, yell-loh (yellow), or-tel (hotel), some Chinese words ending with high pitch tone, mar-jek (market), bridge, wheel, OK, hello, yes, spicy, hold hand, excuse me, mask, eh-ma-ti (MRT), ou-sai (outside), pa-zel (puzzle), tan-nu (tunnel), unke (uncle), ni ni mas (mini bus), open door, grass, glass (sunglass)...
  2. he now chut a lot of pattern like applying cream every part of his body before he falls asleep - week 88/89... (... and this becomes a routine at bedtime!)
  3. he turns to me and gesture to carry him when his Daddy refused to carry him twice (now he gestures to me whenever he wants to be carried) - 15/9/2015...
  4. he will roar when we says "tiger", "lion" and bleh when we says "merlion"...
  5. he will hold your hand to dance or pull you down to sit down and play with him - 16/9/2015...
  6. he will say "cold" when air con is too cold for him (this is when he starts to sleep in air con room on hazy days) - 20/9/2015...
  7. he will say "poo" when he wants me to change pampers, he will go take the mat and then pampers for me but in the end no poo and no want to be changed (now he will say poo when he pee or poo) - 21/9/2015...
  8. he will say "char-gen" (charger) when iPad has no battery and wants the iPad to be charged and want to play at the same time - 22/9/2015...
  9. he is trying to sleep through the night without waking up between 12-6am (week 90 milestones) - 25/9/2015...
  10. he can speak 2-4 words sentence like "Good morning Mama, Papa shoe, Mama bag, Mama fix" (week 90 milestones)...
  11. he can already recognized most of the alphabets; saw him completing some words in one of the iPad apps (week 91 milestone)...
  12. he kept putting his fingers into his mouth or feel his gum; suspect his molar is sprouting out - 4/10/2015...
  13. he wants to eat what you eat; we have to pretend that his food are scooped from our bowls/plates - 4/10/2015...
  14. he received his 1st pair of Rayband wafer kids size - 5/10/2015...
  15. he gaggles mouthful of water - 6/10/2015...
  16. he pulled and point to my elbow and say "l-bow" - 7/10/2015...
  17. he says "wher are you" - 13/10...
  18. his first stay-cation at MBS Hotel while Daddy attends APJ Summit - 18/10...
  19. After being on solids for so long, think he suffers constipation so badly that he fussing and crying angrily in the middle of the night between 5-10-30mins interval - 21/10...
  20. he ate few teaspoons and accepted vanilla ice cream at Hagen Daze café - 24/10...
  21. he says "Mama  kiss" and came over and kissed me before he sleep  twice - 24/10...
#day609 - Our happy pill turning two in 4 months time!

#day617 - 我的阳光男孩!

#day623 - Sending his cuzzon off to her Europe holidays!

#day628 - It's a stay-at-home public holiday! #harirayahaji

#day642 - Today's wefie; all decked in our new RayBan's shades!

#day642 - Can't get enough of his selfie!

#day645 - Was away to Club Med Bintan for a company team building; coming home to my curly fries!

#day652 - Baby N's first stay-cation at MBS Hotel!

#day652 - View for the night!

#day653 - 陈家弟子的无影脚! (... new way sitting on his new pram)

#day658 - Because nose-picking on the streets looks cool!

#day659 - His curlicious hair, chubby cheeks and two-tiered neckline!

*ps: #day660 ends on 26 October 2015

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