Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Growing up with Nathaniel; Day288-Day316

18 November 2014

Week 46!

GOSH, I kept telling everyone who've asked how old is baby N and I replied 11 months!  In actual, he's only 10 months.  >_<"  Last weekend attended baby Elly's 1YO birthday bash (ah Thiang is on the plane back from Beijing...) and SimCik kept carrying my son around boasting that baby N is a giant baby... so big size at the age of 10 months.  He's partly responsible also, because he is the official susu-supplier for him!  #boooo

Baby N's milestones from week 42 to week 45...

  1. developed rashes both cheeks on 22 Oct and whole back, behind left ear, cheek and left forehead on 27 Oct both time subside the next day... but then it came back big red patches on his right face and small dots on his arms on 7 Nov.  Then brought him to see a PD at SBCC Tiong Bahru on 11 Nov - PD suspected eczema or maybe heat rash and asked me to make a food diary and monitor for 1 month and go back for review in Dec.  Bill amounted to S$209.60!!
  2. sometimes he won't eat porridge and we have to use apple puree and mixed into the porridge to "bluff" him to have it eaten!
  3. he can press the music player in the cot for some music...
  4. he can say some words for now: nen nen, nai nai, bear, bas, bird, labbit, ellyphant, plane!
  5. he knows how to 笑咪咪!
  6. he knows how to 嘴突突 when he don't want / like something or not eating...
  7. he can now waves bye-bye (sometimes in circular motion...)!
  8. he can turn his hands like telling you "no more"...
  9. he will try using me as a support to stand up on his own and let go of his hands but then shortly he sat back on his butt, on my bed of course...
  10. last weigh him was at the PD, 11.23kg!
#day294 - A very artistic shot in B&W!
#day295 - Some "caught-in-the-act" part I (baby N was deposited over the weekend at my Mom's place while the two of us having birthday celebration over the weekend...)!
#day295 - "caught-in-the-act" part II (eating the 如意油 bottle...)!
#day295 - Celebrated ah Thiang's birthday with his in-laws (my folks)!
#day296 - Still in celebration with my in-laws (his folks)!  Total 2 cakes hokay...
#day296 - Then baby N developed some kind of rash that kept coming on and off... see that patches on his face and back of his body?  My poor boy...!
#day301 - 门牙出来咯! Total teeth to-date: 3 on top and 2 bottom = 5 teeth!
#day302 - On Sunday morning.  I need god size bed!
#day302 - STILL smiling in his sleep!
#day302 - We collected the Vilac vintage car and Daddy bought + set up his rocking horse!  (... this was taken before Popa zng-ed his ride!)  See, here must wear some form of 'protection' to prevent his foot being "giap" by the stands...
#day309 - Baby N's rashes came back.  He was looking way worse than this picture - I took 2 days later after I got back from work trip from HK.  He looked like a mini 中无烟  but in child-version!
#day309 - The very potential accountant wannabe!
#day311 - Took childcare leave and bring him to see doc for his rashes.  Was having lunch and I has to keep feeding him with snacks so that he will not fuss around trying to eat the chairs and tables while we gulp down our lunch!
#day311 - FaceTime with Daddy while he is in Beijing for work!  Look at that funny faces anticipated during FaceTime!
#day313 - He likes what he sees!
#day315 - "Bang bang bang!" #thisiswhatmommydidwhilesonisnapping  At baby Elly's 1YO party and he finally knocked out after not taking his morning nap!  Then we were late to fetch Daddy from airport (ok lah, his aeroplane touched down earlier than expected)... :(
#day316 - Feeling stoked that his rocking horse is being zng-ed into Nathaniel-friendly mode by the 外公!

Looks like it's gonna be weeks again till my next update!  Boss asked me to go HK again for another week, scheduled just before my trip to Italy - that means I will be away from home for almost 3 weeks for month of December.  Left so little time with my baby boys during festive month and feeling uber guilty for being away from him for such a long time...  Tsk!

*ps: #day316 ends on 16 November 2014

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