Sunday, 14 September 2014

Growing up with Nathaniel; Day234-Day253

14 September 2014

Starting week 37 NOW!

Time flies... he is already now 8months old!  I need to start planning for his 1st YO birthday party yo....!

Progression from week 33 to week 36:

  1. he claps his hands when we say “拍手”... ( 奶奶 say must be bilingual so he learns "the action" in Chinese too...)
  2. he struggles while we rock him to sleep during nap / bed time... (with a 10.8kg baby is really no joke!)
  3. he tries to stand up using the support of the cot or anything... (almost scare die me when I caught him half body leaning outside of the cot when he trying to jail break!)
  4. he sleeps by himself while left inside the cot to play by himself (that only happened thrice so far and it's during daytime, how we wished he can fall asleep by himself during bedtime...)...
  5. he leans his head and placed between your neck-onto your shoulders when you hug him upright position while rocking him to sleep (he doesn't like you to rock him to sleep in the cradle position, and that's when the struggle and crying comes in)...  the feelin' is superb good.  *all smiles*
  6. he caught a flu bug last week and took almost 2+ weeks to recover - seen doctor thrice, GP on 2 Sep, PD on 6 Sep then again on 13 Sep for his "forever-coughing" signs... highest fever temperature measured was 38.9 degree with running nose and cough.  This bug made him lost >100gm in weight, now measuring 10.7kg and appetite demand also went down by half (although we are still clearing the milk tin like on a weekly basis becos most of the time, we poured half the bottle down the sink cos he refuses to drink... even cereal, we have to mix into the bottle cos he refuses spoon fed!).  嗨, 小孩生病大人也辛苦啊! I hope he will be back on track for his 180ml and cereal feed soon...

#day237 - My happy pill trying to sit / stand up!  Lazy boy, he knew somebody will give him a push and he will then lift up his leg on the sides while that somebody is pushing him.  :-P
#day239 - 我家 ah Thiong 和他的无影脚! #whatibuyinbeijing #kungfufighting
#day239 - 人家有背景,我有背影。。。- #nathanieltan
#day243 - 我的大头家! #likeaboss #likeunclelikenephew
#day245 -  All dressed up for Baby Renee's 1st YO party before our appointment with PD for 2nd round of consultation!  Can see his super no-mood-face...?  Feelin' so guilty for bringing him out...  #ootd
#day245 - Hamburger theme for Baby Renee's birthday bash!
#day247 - 中秋节快乐!提着爷爷买的 Thomas the train 灯笼!
#day252 - Went for a complimentary photoshoot and this is one of our favourite set of shots!  More details on the next post!
#day253 - Daddy and Son at the craft beer shop.  Daddy says training starts from young!  ;-O
*ps: #day253 ends on 14 September 2014

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